The Greene County Fair Association hopes to repeat the success of last year’s dinner and ag auction. The event raised more than $110,000 for the construction of a new swine barn at the fairgrounds.
This year’s dinner and ag auction will raise money for Phase Two of the project, a similar 72’ X 135’ barn to replace a pair of aged sheep barns.
The benefit is slated for Tuesday, Sept. 8, at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson. A social hour will begin at 5 pm, with a barbecue dinner at 6 and an auction of ag products at 7.
The Greene County Fair Association hopes to repeat the success of last year’s dinner and ag auction. The event raised more than $110,000 for the construction of a new swine barn at the fairgrounds.
This year’s dinner and ag auction will raise money for Phase Two of the project, a similar 72’ X 135’ barn to replace a pair of aged sheep barns.
The benefit is slated for Tuesday, Sept. 8, at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson. A social hour will begin at 5 pm, with a barbecue dinner at 6 and the auction at 7.
On the auction block will be ag supplies including seed corn and beans, chemicals and agronomic services. The items up for auction have been donated by members of the ag industry to the Greene County Fair Association. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the capital fund drive.
A silent auction will be included in the fundraiser this year as well.
Fair Association secretary Doug Hawn explains that area farmers can purchase at auction products and services they use for their farming operations. Purchases don’t need to be paid for until next Jan. 15, allowing producers year-end flexibility. Because the items have been donated to the Fair Association, the total purchase price will benefit the youngsters who show animals at the county fair and help provide viable infrastructure at the fairgrounds.
Tickets to the event are available from fair board members Joshua Hedges, Bob Allen, Gary Hoffman, Don Badger, Gary Betts, Ann Cunningham, Rick Humpal, Randy Love, Steve Kennedy, Shawneene Keenan, Paul Quam, Justin Robbins, Chad Stoline, David Tipton, Barry Tronchetti, Doug Walker or Rod Wolf, by contacting fair board secretary Doug Hawn at 712-652-3685 or by email at secretary@greenecountyiowafair.com. Tickets are available at the Greene County Extension office and will also be available at the door.